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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Los lugares identification and purchase practice

Los lugares identification and purchase practice

Los lugares identification and purchase practice Part 1: Using the word bank below, write the name of the place where each line would be heard. (15 total) Sample: Word bank: la tienda de electrodomésticos / la librería / la joyería / el centro comercial / la zapatería / el correo / la tienda de ropa / el restaurante / la tienda de equipo deportivo / el consultorio/ el supermercado / la estación de servicio / el almacén / la tienda de descuentos / la farmacia Tenemos una colección de libros de ciencia ficción. __________________ Señora, ¿Qué tipo de vestido busca Ud.? ________________ Part 2: Write the letter of the place where each item or service would be purchased. (15 total) * Places are the same as the word bank above. m. La joyería / g. La librería _____ 1. La novela, La revista _____ 2. La pulsera, El collar Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip. It can also be used with chapters 2B and 3A of Realidades 2.
Los lugares description matching and fill in practice

Los lugares description matching and fill in practice

Los lugares description matching and fill in practice Part 1: Read each description and write the correct letter of the place. (12 total) j. La iglesia / La sinagoga / El templo / La mezquita l. El banco _____ 1. Depositar o cobrar un cheque y sacar dinero _____ 2. Rezar Part 2: Complete each sentence with the correct place using the word bank provided. (12 total) mezquita / centro comercial / consultorio / servicio / farmacia / iglesia / estación / museo / banco / tienda / hospital / equipo deportivo / supermercado / cine Yo compro mi medicina en la _______________________. Cada sábado José reza (prays) en la ___________________________. *Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 2.
Future tense and present tense practice

Future tense and present tense practice

Future tense and present tense practice (Spanish) For each infinitive write the Yo conjugation in the present tense in the first blank. Then, write the correct letter of the future tense conjugations in the second blank. (17 total) *All 12 irregular verbs are included. Example: o. sabré, sabrás, sabrá, sabremos, sabréis, sabrán i. hablaré, hablarás, hablará, hablaremos, hablaréis, hablarán ___________________ 1. Hablar (Yo) ____ ___________________ 4. Saber (Yo) ____ Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Ir de compras: Preterit practice

Ir de compras: Preterit practice

Ir de compras: Preterit practice Part 1: Complete each set of sentences with the correct conjugation in the preterit. (8 total) *Note: All sentences are structured the same as the example below. The subjects, stores, and payment methods will be different. Only #4 has an additional sentence with comer and mirar. Example: Yo _________ (ir) a la librería. Yo _____________ (comprar) unos libros de ciencia ficción. Yo ________________ cincuenta dólares. (gastar) Yo _____________ (pagar) en efectivo. Part 2: Write the correct letter of the preterit conjugation for each infinitive. 10 verbs included: Comprar, Comer, Escribir, Buscar, Pagar, Empezar, Dar, Ir, Ver, Hacer Example: i. compré / compraste / compró / compramos / comprasteis / compraron f. comí / comiste / comió / comimos / comisteis / comieron ____ 1. Comprar ____ 2. Comer Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2.
Preterit regular and spelling change mini practice

Preterit regular and spelling change mini practice

Preterit regular and spelling change mini practice Guidelines: (1) Write the correct letter of the preterit conjugation for the first infinitive , (2) Write the 6 preterit conjugations, (3) Answer the personal question in a complete sentence in Spanish using the preterit tense. Example: Note: All personal questions are in the tú conjugation. Hablar ____ 1. Yo ____ 2. Tú ____ 3. Él / Ella / Ud. ____ 4. Nosotros ____ 5. Vosotros ____ 6. Ellos / Ellas / Uds. a. hablaron b. hablé c. habló d. hablasteis e. hablaste f. hablamos Conjugate Comprar for all 6 persons ¿Qué compraste tú ayer? __________________________________ Verb types and infinitives -AR: Hablar (matching) / Comprar (conjugation + personal question) -ER: Comer (matching) / Beber (conjugation + personal question) -IR: Escribir (matching)/ Vivir (conjugation + personal question) -CAR: Tocar (matching)/ Buscar (conjugation + personal question) -GAR: Pagar(matching) / Llegar (conjugation + personal question) -ZAR: Empezar(matching) / Almorzar (conjugation + personal question) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. Note: For the personal questions, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, bell ringer, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Comer: Yes, No, and Information questions practice (Present tense)

Comer: Yes, No, and Information questions practice (Present tense)

Comer: Yes, No, and Information questions practice (Present tense) Answer each set of questions in a complete sentence in the template provided. For the personal question, the food item can be in English. There are 5 sets with 3 questions each (15 total) Each set has a question to be answered with yes (Sí), no, and an information questions. The subject for all 3 questions will be the same or similar. Example: ¿Comes tú una pizza? Template: Sí + Subject + Conjugation of Comer + Rest ¿Comes tú los tamales? Template: No + Subject + No + Conjugation of Comer + Rest ¿Qué comes tú para el desayuno? Template: Subject + Conjugation of Comer + Food item Answer key is included on pages 3-4. However, Student answers will vary for the information questions. This practice can be used for classwork , homework, review, study guide, quiz, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 2.
AR preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice

AR preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice

AR preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice *Only regular -ar verbs are used Answer each set of questions in a complete sentence in the template provided. *There are 4 sets with 3 questions each. Every set has a question to be answered with yes (Sí), No, and an information question. Note: The subjects in each set will be the same or similar. Example: ¿Hablaste tú con José? (Hablar: to speak) Template: Sí + Subject + Conjugation of Hablar + Rest ¿Compraste tú un libro? (Comprar: to buy) Template: No + Subject + No + Conjugation of Comprar + Rest ¿Qué programa miraste tú en la tele? (Mirar: to watch) Template: Subject + Conjugation of Mirar + Rest Answer key is included on pages 3-4. However, Student answers will vary for the personal questions. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, entry / exit slip.
IR preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice

IR preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice

IR preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice Answer each set of questions in a complete sentence in the template provided. *There are 4 sets with 3 questions each. Every set has a question to be answered with yes (Sí), No, and an information question. Note: The subjects in each set will be the same or similar. ¿Escribiste tú el email? (Escribir: to write) Template: Sí + Subject + Conjugation of Escribir + Rest ¿Abriste tú la ventana? (Abrir: to open) Template: No + Subject + No + Conjugation of Abrir + Rest ¿A qué hora saliste tú ayer? (Salir: to leave) Template: Subject + Conjugation of Salir + Rest Answer key is included on pages 3-4. However, Student answers will vary for the personal questions. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, entry / exit slip.
ER preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice

ER preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice

ER preterit verbs: Yes, No, and Information questions practice Answer each set of questions in a complete sentence in the template provided. *There are 4 sets with 3 questions each. Every set has a question to be answered with yes (Sí), No, and an information question. Note: The subjects in each set will be the same or similar. ¿Comiste tú la ensalada? (Comer: to eat) Template: Sí + Subject + Conjugation of Comer + Rest ¿Bebiste tú mucha agua? (Beber: to drink) Template: No + Subject + No + Conjugation of Beber + Rest ¿Qué aprendiste tú hoy? (Aprender: to learn) Template: Subject + Conjugation of Aprender + Rest Answer key is included on pages 3-4. However, Student answers will vary for the personal questions. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, study guide, quiz, entry / exit slip.
Preterit mixed verbs quick practice

Preterit mixed verbs quick practice

Preterit mixed verbs quick practice Verbs included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Dar, Ir / Ser , Ver, Hacer, Buscar, Jugar, Empezar (10 total) Part 1: Write the letter of the correct preterit conjugation. h. comiste / comió / comimos / comisteis / comieron j.hablé / hablaste / hablamos / hablasteis / hablaron _____ 1. Hablar _____ 2. Comer Part 2: For each infinitive in part 1, there is one missing conjugation. Write the subject and the missing conjugation for each infinitive in the template below. Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Las compras with present and preterit tenses

Las compras with present and preterit tenses

Las compras with present and preterit tenses Complete each set of sentences with the partial word bank provided for the stores to indicate where each person has to go and where they went. Conjugate Tener (to have) in the present tense. Conjugate Ir (to go) and Comprar (to buy) in the preterit tense. *There are 5 sets total *A table with conjugations of Tener (present tense) and Ir / Comprar (preterit tense) is included for reference. Example: Partial word bank: zapatería / librería Yo quiero comprar unos libros. Yo_________________(tener) que ir a la ______________________. (store) La semana pasada yo ______________ (ir) a la ___________________________ (store). Yo _________________ los zapatos. (comprar) Part 2: Write C to indicate if the customer (el, la cliente) would say the line. Write E to indicate if the employee (el, la empleado/a) would say the line. (11 total) Example: ______. 1. Bienvenido a nuestra tienda de ropa. ______ 2. Busco unos jeans y unas camisas. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2.
Las compras sentence translation matching practice

Las compras sentence translation matching practice

Las compras sentence translation matching practice Write the correct letter of the English translation for each sentence. *There are 10 sentences on each of the 3 pages (30 total). *The sentences are in the present and preterit tenses. Example: f. We go shopping every weekend. a. I went to the mall with my friends. _____ 1. Yo fui al centro comercial con mis amigos. _____ 9. Nosotros vamos de compras cada fin de semana. Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, bell ringer, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2.
Practice: Cocinar, Comer, Beber, Compartir (Present tense)

Practice: Cocinar, Comer, Beber, Compartir (Present tense)

Practice: Cocinar, Comer, Beber, Compartir (Present tense) Part 1: Complete the mini conversations with the correct present tense conjugation of the infinitive. *There are 5 sets total with 4 questions each. All conversations are structured the same. Only the subjects, foods, and beverages will be different. Example: ¿Qué __________ tú? Yo ____________ la pasta. (cocinar) ¿Qué ___________ tú? Yo ___________la pasta y el pan. (comer) ¿Qué ___________ tú? Yo ___________ agua. (beber) ¿Con quién ___________ tú la pasta? Yo _____________ la pasta con mi hermano. (compartir) Part 2: Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish. Write the food items in Spanish. (8 total) Example: ¿Quién cocina la comida en tu familia generalmente? (Quién: who) ¿Te gusta cocinar? Answer key is included on pages 3-4 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 1. *Teachers can also assign part 1 to be done orally by students in pairs or small groups.
El restaurante with hispanic nationalites and food

El restaurante with hispanic nationalites and food

El restaurante with hispanic nationalites and food (Las nacionalidades y la comida) The restaurant “Nuestra Casa” is accepting reservations for Friday night. Customers from different Hispanic countries will be attending and they plan to order a food item from their home country. For each customer, complete the blanks with the correct nationality in Spanish and the appropriate food item using the word bank. Note: Nationalities must agree in number (singular / plural) and in gender (masculine / feminine) with the person. *20 countries included. Note: All sentences will be structured the same as shown in the example below. Only the subjects and countries will be different. Example: Word bank for nationalities (first blank): venezolano / mexicano / español / peruano / argentino / colombiano Word bank for food item (second blank): paella / pozole / asado / ceviche / bandeja paisa / pabellón criollo Luis Ramos: México. Él es ____________________________. (nationality) El pide _______________________ .(food item from México) Tina Gómez: Colombia Ella es ____________________________. (nationality) Ella pide _____________________. (food item from Colombia) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. On pages 7-9, a second set of the same practice is included but without the word bank for food items. In this set, students will have to do an internet search to find a typical food item from each country. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, entry / exit slip (broken into smaller sections). Students can work on the activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups. *This practice can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 1.
Los lugares with preterit practice

Los lugares with preterit practice

Los lugares with preterit practice Complete each set of conversations with the correct preterit conjugation of ir and hacer in the first three blanks. For the last blank, choose the correct infinitive phrase from the word bank below and conjugate it in the preterit. *8 conversations total Example: Word bank: sacar dinero / hablar con el médico / comprar palos de golf / buscar nuevos libros / enviar una carta / comprar la comida / comprar medicina / llenar el tanque con gasolina ¿A dónde _____________ tú? (ir) Yo __________ al correo. (ir) ¿Qué ____________ tú? (hacer) Yo _______________________________________________. Note: All conversations are structured the same, as shown in the example above. Only the subjects and places will vary. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry or exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 3.
Practice: Preterit of hacer, ir, dar, ver and -car, -gar- zar verbs

Practice: Preterit of hacer, ir, dar, ver and -car, -gar- zar verbs

Practice: Preterit of hacer, ir, dar, ver and -car, -gar- zar verbs Part 1: Complete each blank using the word bank provided. *There are 4 sets with 7 sentences each. Note: The -car, -gar, -zar verbs will be different in each set. ¿Qué hiciste tú ayer? Word bank: almorcé / fui / hice / busqué / di / jugué / vi Yo __________ mi tarea. (hacer) Yo __________ una película. (ver) Yo __________ un libro a José. (dar) Yo __________ a la playa. (ir) Yo _____________ un nuevo libro. (buscar) Yo _____________ al béisbol con mis amigos.(jugar) Yo ______________ en la cafetería. (almorzar) Part 2: Complete the table with the correct conjugation in the preterit. *For all 6 persons, students will conjugate hacer, ver, dar, ir, buscar, jugar, almorzar, hablar, comer, vivir Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Irregular preterit conjugation and questions practice

Irregular preterit conjugation and questions practice

Irregular preterit conjugation and questions practice Verbs included: I stem: Hacer, Querer, Venir (Pages 1-2) U stem: Andar, Saber, Estar, Tener, Poner, Poder (Pages 2-4) J stem: Conducir, Traer, Decir (Pages 4-5) Complete the table with the appropriate stem and verb endings. Then, answer each question in a complete sentence. *A structured template is provided to write the stem and endings. *There is one personal question for each verb in the tú conjugation. *The irregular stem is provided next to each infinitive. *A structured template is also provided to write the answers for the personal question. *A table with irregular preterit endings is included as well. Example: Hacer: to do, to make (Irregular stem: hic) Template: Subject + Stem + Ending (All 6 persons included) Yo + _______ + ___________ ¿Qué hiciste tú ayer? Template: Clue word (Ayer) + Subject + Conjugation of hacer + Rest Answer key is included on pages 6-10. Note: Student answers will vary for the personal questions. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
La tienda fill in practice with paragraph

La tienda fill in practice with paragraph

La tienda fill in practice with paragraph (Present tense) Part 1: Complete the sentences below using the appropriate word from the word bank. (15 sentences total with 18 blanks) Sample: Word bank: un cheque personal / ganga / una tarjeta de crédito / se prueban / librería / dependiente (sales clerk) / caja / el efectivo / ropa / centro comercial / el, la cliente / electrodomésticos / un cupón de regalo / joyería / liquidación / almacén / descuentos / zapatería Compre un par de zapatos, reciba otro par gratis (free). Es una _____________ El , La ______________________ me ayuda en la tienda. ________________________ es una persona que va de compras. Part 2: Complete the paragraph below about your favorite store. (10 sentences) Sample: Mi tienda favorita es (1) __________________________________. La tienda está en (2) ____________________. Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2.
Comer simple guided questions practice (Present tense)

Comer simple guided questions practice (Present tense)

Comer simple guided questions practice (Present tense) Part 1: Write the English translations of the subject pronouns. Example: Yo ______, Nosotros ________ Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence. Use a different food item in Spanish for each question. Fill in the blank with the subject of the answer before answering the question. (8 total) Example: ¿Qué comes tú? If the subject of the question is tú, the subject of the answer should be ________ Template: Subject + Conjugation of Comer + Food item Note: All questions are the same as shown in the example above. Only the subjects will be different. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. Note: Student answers will vary for the food items. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. Students can do the practice orally. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 1.
¿A dónde fueron? Shopping practice with preterit

¿A dónde fueron? Shopping practice with preterit

¿A dónde fueron? Shopping practice with preterit Each person bought an item or items. For each person, answer questions about where they went, how much they spent, and how did they pay. For each person, give a different store, spending amount, and payment method. Use the word bank below for types of stores and payment methods. Write a complete sentence for each answer. If the person buys more than one item, come up with a single amount by combining all the items. For the spending amount you can write $150 dólares, pesos, euros etc. *There are 8 persons total. For each person, the questions will be the same but the item(s) they bought will be different. Example: Word bank for stores: La zapatería / La tienda de ropa Word bank for payment types: en efectivo / Apple pay Tú: Una camisa ¿A dónde fuiste tú? _________________________ ¿Cuánto gastaste tú? _______________________ ¿Cómo pagaste tú? ________________________ This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2. Length: 2 pages